Overdraft Protection
Protect your credit rating, avoid high fees and gain peace of mind.
SESLOC offers Overdraft Protection plans for your convenience. Overdraft from savings is effective automatically. An Overdraft Line of Credit offers added security (application required).
Overdraft from Savings
Funds are automatically transferred from your savings if your checking account balance is insufficient to cover checks, electronic debits, debit card purchases or payments scheduled through Bill Pay.* The funds must be available in the account and are transferred in the exact amount needed.
* A fee applies to each transfer. Please refer to the fee schedule.
Overdraft Line of Credit
This is an open-ended line of credit linked to your SESLOC checking account. Funds are advanced automatically to cover checks, electronic debits, debit card purchases or payments scheduled in Bill Pay if the balance in your checking account is insufficient.
There are no transfer fees, and no interest costs until you use it. Interest accrues from the day funds are advanced, and the amount due appears online or on your next statement.
Courtesy Pay
Offered exclusively for HomeFREE Checking accounts
Courtesy Pay Overdraft can provide additional protection when other plans you have established are not enough.
From the News+ Blog
Tell Congress: Don’t Tax My Credit Union. It’s a Tax on Me.
A tax on credit unions is a new tax on you. Take action today: Contact your U.S. representatives and Senators and tell them: Don’t Tax My Credit Union.
How The Credit Union Difference Serves You Daily
No matter where you live, credit unions play a critical role in ensuring a level playing field for everyone to achieve their financial goals.
SESLOC Earns Fourth “Best of the Best” Award in Five Years
For the fourth time in five years, SESLOC has been recognized by the leading member experience solution company as one of the top credit unions for customer experience in the United States