Card Services
in Online Banking

Card Services
in Online Banking
Take charge of your SESLOC Visa cards.
Anytime, anywhere.
We know you work hard for your money and care about keeping you and it safe and secure. With our new Card Services feature, you can activate a card, report as lost/stolen or request a replacement card directly within our upgraded Online Banking platform. There’s no need to wait for regular business hours by calling or visiting a branch — you can manage your cards 24/7.
Here’s what you can do:
- Activate a Card: Start making purchases once you activate your SESLOC Visa debit or credit card in Online Banking. (You can also activate cards by calling the number on the card once you recevied it in the mail.)
- Card is Locked/Unlocked: Misplaced your card? Lock it with the toggle button to instantly block new purchases and cash advances, while allowing recurring transactions, payments, balance transfers and credits to continue without disruption. Simply unlock your card and it’s ready for use again.
- Request a Replacement Card: Save a trip to the branch and request a new card.
- Report Card Lost/Stolen: Instantly make a report that your card is lost, stolen, or that someone used your card without your knowledge.
- Travel Notices: Set up and manage travel notices to help us more accurately monitor for suspicious or fraudulent activity.
See How it Works
Need assistance?
If you need help with Card Services, contact us at (805) 543-1816.
Online Banking Tips
From the News+ Blog
3 Reasons to Go Contactless With Mobile Deposits
You may be aware that mobile check deposits are secure and convenient — but are you aware of these other handy benefits? It’s Completely Contactless
Using the Mobile App
Once you’ve created a profile for Online Banking, you’ll be able to log into the SESLOC Mobile App with the same Username and Password. The app can be downloaded through the Apple App Store for iPhone or Google Play for Android.
Security Tips for Mobile Banking
Using smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices for activities such as banking can be very convenient. However, it is important to take some basic precautions to keep your information secure. Here’s how to protect yourself: