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Skip a Pay

Skip A Pay

Skip A Pay

Skip A Pay

The 2024 Skip A Pay promotion has ended.

Please call (805) 543-1816 for the status of your application or for any questions.

Will your budget be stretched this holiday season?

Corral some extra bucks with Skip A Pay.

Skip a payment this November or December by completing the Skip A Pay request online form. If approved, you can use the extra funds for holiday gifts, travel and other expenses. Skip A Pay is a fawn-tastic way to free up cash for holiday expenses.



  • Eligible loans include consumer: vehicle, recreational vehicle, specialized mobility vehicle and signature loans. Instant Funds loans are not eligible.
  • Loan must be current and have an on-time payment history for the six (6) months preceding the request.
  • You may apply to skip a payment on one or several loans. A $30 processing fee applies to each loan approved to skip a payment.
  • Skip A Pay request forms are due one (1) business day prior to your November or December loan payment due date. Friday, December 27, 2024 is the last day to submit a form.
  • See additional terms and conditions.*


If you scheduled recurring automatic loan payments from SESLOC or another financial institution, you will need to cancel or pause the payment for the month your payment is deferred.

Learn how to pause, edit or cancel a recurring transfer that was set up in SESLOC Online Banking » 

Apply now with our secure online form. 


Apply now with our secure online form.

You may also apply by phone at (805) 543-1816 and at our branches, using the PDF version of our form.

Note: If you have a co-borrower on your loan, you will both need to sign the online form. The primary borrower will be requested to complete the form and sign first. Then, the co-borrower will be asked to sign.

Payment from a SESLOC account is required to process an online application.

You may transfer funds from another financial institution to your SESLOC account for payment first, then submit your online application. See our easy step-by-step guide for how to make transfers in Online Banking. Or, visit any branch. We do not accept payment by phone.

Pro Tips for Submitting Your Skip A Pay Form

If you are experiencing difficulty making payments due to financial hardship, such as loss of income, please call us at (805) 543-1816 x561 or learn more about our programs.

*By submitting the Skip A Pay form, You request that SESLOC CU defer Your payment(s) as indicated. You agree and understand that: 1) Loan(s) must be current and have an on-time payment history (i.e. no late payments) for the six (6) months immediately preceding the Skip A Pay request; 2) Eligible loans include consumer: vehicle, recreational vehicle, specialized mobility vehicle and signature loans; 3) All signers on the loan(s) must agree to the terms of the Skip A Pay and sign the request form; 4) Membership must be in good standing; 5) FINANCE CHARGES will continue to accrue at the rate of Your loan agreement during the deferment period AND will increase the finance charges You pay; 6) Deferring your payment will extend the term and maturity date of Your loan; 7) A $30.00 processing fee per each loan approved for Skip A Pay applies; 8) You will be required to resume Your monthly payments the following month; 9) You may skip one (1) payment per qualified loan as part of the Skip A Pay program, per year, with a maximum of five (5) skips during the life of the loan. NOTE: Loans protected by GAP or Members Choice Borrower Security may have their coverage affected (it may not be extended beyond the original maturity date), please refer to your related agreement for specific details. All Skip A Pay requests are subject to SESLOC CU approval. Requests to skip a payment must be received at least one (1) business day prior to Your November or December 2024, loan payment due date. Friday, December 27, 2024, is the last day to submit a form. The Skip A Pay promotion ends December 31, 2024. SESLOC reserves the right to withdraw this offer without notice. You may apply for Skip A Pay if you have previously deferred payments in 2024 due to financial hardship. Program excludes: Real Estate secured loans, HELOCs, Business Loans, Lines of Credit (LOC), Credit Cards and Instant Funds loans.