What to Know About Protecting Yourself During Tax Season

What to Know About Protecting Yourself During Tax Season

As the world continues to react to the virus, scammers are adapting their techniques to steal your money. With the increase in the number of transactions with the IRS this year (including child tax credit pre-payments, economic stimulus payments, and federal unemployment), the door has also become more widely open to thieves attempting to steal your tax benefits and your identity.

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Local Insights: 2021 Local Shopping

Local Insights: 2021 Local Shopping

In October 2021, we sent out our second Member Pulse Survey, where we asked our valued SESLOC members about their local shopping and spending habits. 853 responded, revealing four key insights into local spending:

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Get Peace of Mind for Your Ride

Get Peace of Mind for Your Ride

Thinking about a new or “new to you” car? Having a reliable set of wheels is a crucial part of our daily lives, but it’s also a big financial decision that will likely impact your budget for the next several years. You know you’ll need to protect your ride with car insurance, and maybe even get a AAA membership, but are you aware of these programs that give you financial peace of mind?

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Watch Out for These Common Tax Scams

Watch Out for These Common Tax Scams

According to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), tax scams tend to increase during tax season and/or times of crisis.¹ Now that tax season is in full swing, the IRS is reminding taxpayers to use caution and avoid becoming the victim of a fraudulent tax scheme. Here are some of the most common tax scams to watch out for.

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Take These Steps With Your Student Loans

Take These Steps With Your Student Loans

Now it’s time to take steps after the relief programs end. Borrowers should be ready to make student loan payments, even as policymakers discuss further extensions in the face of an increased number of borrowers becoming delinquent or defaulting on their loans. Listed here are steps to move forward as protections end:

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Triangulation Fraud and How You Can Be an Unwitting Participant

Triangulation Fraud and How You Can Be an Unwitting Participant

Identity theft continues to be more than just a costly headache. Once the bad guys have your identity information they can make repeated attempts to try to access your accounts, apply for credit in your name, and even steal your tax refund. This month we’re going to dig into some lesser-known, proactive steps you can take in the new year to protect yourself from becoming the target of identity fraud.

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