Financial Basics

Financial success starts with a solid foundation. Get started today by learning about budgeting and financial basics.

Synthetic Identity Theft

Synthetic Identity Theft

The holidays are upon us, and so is the increase in risk for identity theft. Fictional characters are a big part of the season, but sadly they’ve also become a big part of identity thieves’ tool kits as well. According to a Federal Trade Commission Report, over the last five years, Synthetic Identity Fraud has become the fastest-growing type of financial crime in the United States and accounts for 20% of the credit-related losses.

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Online Holiday Shopping — Buyer Beware!

Online Holiday Shopping — Buyer Beware!

The rise of online shopping during the pandemic has led to a proportional increase in online fraud and scams. As the Holiday season approaches, we want to make sure you are armed with the knowledge and the skills to protect yourself. With a little awareness, you can avoid online shopping fraud as the busiest time of the year for retail shopping is shifting into high gear.

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Auto Accident Checklist

Auto Accident Checklist

An automobile accident can be a confusing and stressful event, but being prepared can help you remain calm. It’s important to know what to do immediately after an accident and what to do in the days following.

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7 Tips to Stay Safe While Online Holiday Shopping

7 Tips to Stay Safe While Online Holiday Shopping

As we abide by stay-at-home orders, many of us spend hours in front of the computer each day for work and school. Online retail associations expect online holiday sales to surge by 25% – amounting to between $182 billion and $196 billion. Add this to a 15% increase in online sales from 2018 to 2019.

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The ABCs of Auto Insurance

The ABCs of Auto Insurance

Whether you already have auto insurance or are considering buying some, you may be wondering how much is enough and which types of coverage you need. Here are a few tips to get you started:

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Managing Emotional Spending

Managing Emotional Spending

Does spending lift your spirits when life gets you down? Many of us turn to “retail therapy” when we feel down or stressed, and for a good reason. Studies show that shopping can trigger dopamine, which is a chemical in our brains that makes us feel good and fulfilled.

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The Lowdown on Credit Counseling

The Lowdown on Credit Counseling

Have you ever wondered if credit counseling might help you? Most of us have never stopped to even think about what credit counseling is until we find ourselves facing a financial roadblock. Credit counseling isn’t just for those who need to improve their financial health — it can also help you to be more proactive in maintaining your finances as well.

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The Dark Web — A Gateway to Criminal Activity

The Dark Web — A Gateway to Criminal Activity

We’ve recently taken a deep dive into the dangers of the Dark Web. We continue our series by shedding light on how transactions happen in the Dark Web and the criminal enterprise that exists in this mysterious, hidden place. Why is this important? The more you understand about how criminal activity works, the better prepared you will be to protect yourself and your family from this growing threat.

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