Financial Basics

Financial success starts with a solid foundation. Get started today by learning about budgeting and financial basics.

Five Scams that Rose to the Top in 2022

Five Scams that Rose to the Top in 2022

With identity theft on the rise, and scammers only getting better at what they do, it helps to stay aware of how fraudsters may be targeting your personal information and your good name. The most successful scams will continue to be circulated until they stop being an effective way for criminals to steal from their victims.

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Avoid Money Transfer App Scams!

Avoid Money Transfer App Scams!

Zelle, CashApp, and Venmo are popular money transfer apps that allow you to send and receive money to and from other individuals instantly, just like handing over cash, even if you and your payee have accounts with different financial institutions.

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Managing Debt as Interest Rates Rise

Managing Debt as Interest Rates Rise

Debt can be a challenge to manage, even in the best of times. Now, with the economy in the news nearly every day, how do you effectively manage your debt as the cost of borrowing for things like homes, cars, and credit cards rises?

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Protecting the Older People in Our Lives From Becoming Victims of Scams

Protecting the Older People in Our Lives From Becoming Victims of Scams

A January 2022 Pew Research study found that 75% of adults over 65 in the United States are using the internet regularly. This increased use of technology brings a heightened risk of fraud for all Americans. In this article we will address the most prevalent scams that target our senior citizens and provide simple advice on how to protect yourself and your elderly loved ones.

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