Going to College

Financial tips and tools for college and beyond.

Take These Steps With Your Student Loans

Take These Steps With Your Student Loans

Now it’s time to take steps after the relief programs end. Borrowers should be ready to make student loan payments, even as policymakers discuss further extensions in the face of an increased number of borrowers becoming delinquent or defaulting on their loans. Listed here are steps to move forward as protections end:

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5 Beginner Money Questions Answered

5 Beginner Money Questions Answered

When you’re just starting out, there’s a lot to learn about your finances and it can definitely feel overwhelming — but we’re here to help. We recently sat with some local college students to talk money, and here are the answers to their questions:

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Tax-Advantaged Ways to Save for College

Tax-Advantaged Ways to Save for College

In the college savings game, all strategies aren’t created equal. The best savings vehicles offer special tax advantages if the funds are used to pay for college. Tax-advantaged strategies are important because over time, you can potentially accumulate more money with a tax-advantaged investment compared to a taxable investment. Ideally, though, you’ll want to choose a savings vehicle that offers you the best combination of tax advantages, financial aid benefits, and flexibility, while meeting your overall investment needs.

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Do’s & Don’ts of Dorm Room Shopping

Do’s & Don’ts of Dorm Room Shopping

Dorm life is an exciting milestone for many incoming college students, but preparing to move in can be a little daunting (and costly). It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement and overspend on items you don’t really need. So before you start shopping, consider these do’s and don’ts:

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Tips for Tackling Back-to-School Shopping

Tips for Tackling Back-to-School Shopping

Back to school shopping season is already here, and experts are predicting spending to increase this year. Preparing for the new academic year doesn’t have to break the bank. Plus, involving your child in planning and budgeting is a great way to teach them about money through example.

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Federal Student Loans FAQ

Federal Student Loans FAQ

What Are Federal Student Loans? Federal student loans are loans established by the federal government and provided to students for college and graduate school.

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