Going to College

Financial tips and tools for college and beyond.

College Saving Options

College Saving Options

For the 2019-2020 college year, the average annual cost of attendance (known as the COA) at a four-year public college for in-state students was $26,590, the average cost at a four-year college for out-of-state students was $42,970, and the average cost at a four-year private college was $53,980. The COA figure includes tuition and fees, room and board, books and supplies, transportation, and personal expenses. Many private colleges cost substantially more. (Source: The College Board’s 2019 Trends in College Pricing Report),

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Is Your Money Molding in the Fridge?

Is Your Money Molding in the Fridge?

What does $1,500 mean to you? No matter your financial situation, $1,500 is significant. It could be a down payment on your next car, a dent in your debt, a furniture upgrade, a step towards retirement, a boost to your emergency fund, or a first-class ticket to New York.

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Is There Anything I Can Do Now So That My Child Can Obtain More Financial Aid Later?

Is There Anything I Can Do Now So That My Child Can Obtain More Financial Aid Later?

Yes, there are steps you can take now that may help your child obtain more financial aid later. All federally funded financial aid programs use a formula known as the federal methodology to determine how much money a family must contribute towards a child’s educational costs before becoming eligible for financial aid. This figure is known as the expected family contribution (EFC). The difference between your EFC and the cost of your child’s college equals your child’s financial need and the less aid your child will be eligible for.

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