Life Stages

Sometimes your financial needs are as unique as you are — whether you’re going to college, planning a wedding, or thinking about starting a small business.

Protecting the Older People in Our Lives From Becoming Victims of Scams

Protecting the Older People in Our Lives From Becoming Victims of Scams

A January 2022 Pew Research study found that 75% of adults over 65 in the United States are using the internet regularly. This increased use of technology brings a heightened risk of fraud for all Americans. In this article we will address the most prevalent scams that target our senior citizens and provide simple advice on how to protect yourself and your elderly loved ones.

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The Health of Social Security: Some Good News and Some Bad News

The Health of Social Security: Some Good News and Some Bad News

With approximately 94% of American workers covered by Social Security and 65 million people currently receiving benefits, keeping Social Security healthy is a major concern.1 Social Security isn’t in danger of going broke — it’s financed primarily through payroll taxes — but its financial health is declining, and benefits may eventually be reduced unless Congress acts.

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Student Loan Scams — What You Need to Know

Student Loan Scams — What You Need to Know

With many Americans holding out hope that their student loan debt will be reduced or forgiven altogether, but also struggling to keep up with the latest news from the federal government, it’s not hard to see why scammers have been so successful. That’s why we are highlighting five ways to protect yourself from fraudsters pretending to have the power to provide you with student debt relief.

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What is the True Cost of Convenience?

What is the True Cost of Convenience?

While home grocery and meal delivery are fast and convenient, it can be helpful to weigh the pros and cons of the added expenses involved if it is a choice and not a necessity. Outlined here are the key cost considerations of home grocery deliveries, restaurant deliveries, and home-delivered meal subscription boxes.

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Take These Steps With Your Student Loans

Take These Steps With Your Student Loans

Now it’s time to take steps after the relief programs end. Borrowers should be ready to make student loan payments, even as policymakers discuss further extensions in the face of an increased number of borrowers becoming delinquent or defaulting on their loans. Listed here are steps to move forward as protections end:

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5 Beginner Money Questions Answered

5 Beginner Money Questions Answered

When you’re just starting out, there’s a lot to learn about your finances and it can definitely feel overwhelming — but we’re here to help. We recently sat with some local college students to talk money, and here are the answers to their questions:

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Tax-Advantaged Ways to Save for College

Tax-Advantaged Ways to Save for College

In the college savings game, all strategies aren’t created equal. The best savings vehicles offer special tax advantages if the funds are used to pay for college. Tax-advantaged strategies are important because over time, you can potentially accumulate more money with a tax-advantaged investment compared to a taxable investment. Ideally, though, you’ll want to choose a savings vehicle that offers you the best combination of tax advantages, financial aid benefits, and flexibility, while meeting your overall investment needs.

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Protecting Children From Identity Theft

Protecting Children From Identity Theft

Identity fraud goes in and out of the headlines with regularity, and while it can be overwhelming to try to keep up with the most current scams, we frequently hear updates from various news sources about guarding our identities. The latest scams are putting our children’s identities at risk. This month, we will focus on ways to protect the kids in your life from identity fraud.

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