Financial Health

Taking control of your financial health starts with education.

SECURE 2.0 Offers New Options for 529 Plans and Student Loan Payments

SECURE 2.0 Offers New Options for 529 Plans and Student Loan Payments

In December 2022, Congress passed the SECURE 2.0 Act. It introduced two new rules relating to 529 plans and student debt that will take effect in 2024. The first provision allows for tax- and penalty-free rollovers from a 529 plan to a Roth IRA. The second provision allows student loan payments made by employees to qualify for employer retirement matching contributions. The overall goal is to help young adults start saving for retirement.

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10 SESLOC Rewards for Recent Grads

10 SESLOC Rewards for Recent Grads

Whether you’re wearing your cap and gown to pick up your high school diploma or college degree, you can redeem your SESLOC HomeFREE Checking™ debit card and Visa Signature® Rewards card points for gift cards and merchandise to help you start your next chapter. Check out the top 10 SESLOC Rewards for recent grads.*

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SESLOC Resources for Recent Grads

SESLOC Resources for Recent Grads

Whether you’re moving on to higher education or launching your career, SESLOC offers financial resources to help you along your journey. While many banks offer free student checking to young adults, the minute you age out of the account you may be subject to fees and account balance minimums. Your SESLOC HomeFREE Checking account is always free, with no minimum balance requirements or monthly fees. Plus, you get a lot more:

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Identity Theft by the Numbers

Identity Theft by the Numbers

Identity theft is a type of crime where someone obtains another person’s personal information without their permission or knowledge and uses that information to commit fraud or other illegal activities. The personal information that is commonly targeted includes names, addresses, birthdates, Social Security numbers, credit card numbers, and bank account information.

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Good Credit Habits to Protect Your Financial Future

Good Credit Habits to Protect Your Financial Future

Periodically reviewing your credit report and credit score is an important step to better protect and improve your financial health. Follow these tips to develop good credit habits throughout the year that will help you stay on track with your goals and protect your identity.

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