Financial Health

Taking control of your financial health starts with education.

Student Loan Scams — What You Need to Know

Student Loan Scams — What You Need to Know

With many Americans holding out hope that their student loan debt will be reduced or forgiven altogether, but also struggling to keep up with the latest news from the federal government, it’s not hard to see why scammers have been so successful. That’s why we are highlighting five ways to protect yourself from fraudsters pretending to have the power to provide you with student debt relief.

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Device Protection — Is Your Personal Information Safe?

Device Protection — Is Your Personal Information Safe?

A 2021 study by Deloitte found that the average American internet household owns 23 connected devices, an increase from an average of 11 devices in 2019, and that number is increasing each year. When we think of devices, we mostly consider our smartphones, home computers, and tablets.

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Eleven Ways to Help Yourself Stay Sane in a Crazy Market

Eleven Ways to Help Yourself Stay Sane in a Crazy Market

Keeping your cool can be hard to do when the market goes on one of its periodic roller-coaster rides. It’s useful to have strategies in place that prepare you both financially and psychologically to handle market volatility. Here are 11 ways to help keep yourself from making hasty decisions that could have a long-term impact on your ability to achieve your financial goals.

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What is the True Cost of Convenience?

What is the True Cost of Convenience?

While home grocery and meal delivery are fast and convenient, it can be helpful to weigh the pros and cons of the added expenses involved if it is a choice and not a necessity. Outlined here are the key cost considerations of home grocery deliveries, restaurant deliveries, and home-delivered meal subscription boxes.

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Make it a Habit to Review Your Business Account

Make it a Habit to Review Your Business Account

Experts say it can take as little as three weeks to form a habit, and if you own or operate a business, make it a daily habit to check your account(s) activity in online banking. Review debits and credits as they occur so you can catch any fraudulent checks, duplicate check numbers or unauthorized ACH debits.

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Should You Try Cash Stuffing?

Should You Try Cash Stuffing?

#CashStuffing has quickly gained popularity on social media as people look for ways to adjust their spending to accommodate increasing prices at the gas pump and store shelves. Cash stuffing is basically a rebranding of the old tried and true method called the envelope system — take out cash at payday for discretionary purchases and divide it into dedicated envelopes for different spending categories, like gas, groceries, dining out, and so on. 

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