Financial Health

Taking control of your financial health starts with education.

10 Ways to Go Green This Spring

10 Ways to Go Green This Spring

On the Central Coast, “going green” means a lot of things — doing your part for the environment, supporting Cal Poly, hitting the green, saving your green (money), and eating your greens to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Whichever you prefer, here are a few ways to go green this spring:

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Preparing to e-File Your Taxes?

Preparing to e-File Your Taxes?

Tax season is here again. e-Filing your return is convenient, secure, and allows your payment to process or refund to be deposited quicker than when filing by mail. Instructions for finding your SESLOC account information for withdrawal or deposit are below, as well as information on how to set up a custom alert to notify you when the IRS processes it.

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Protecting Yourself From COVID-19 Vaccine Scams

Protecting Yourself From COVID-19 Vaccine Scams

The recent emergency approval and distribution of the COVID-19 vaccines have provided much-needed hope throughout the world. While drug companies, government, and healthcare organizations rush to get the masses vaccinated, unfortunately, but not surprisingly a new threat has developed – COVID-19 related scams.

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How Closely Do I Need to Monitor My Credit Score?

How Closely Do I Need to Monitor My Credit Score?

First, let’s clear up a common misconception about credit scores. It’s often thought that you have just one singular score, or one for each of the three credit bureaus. The truth is that you actually have many credit scores. This is due to a number of factors:

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Tax Fraud: The IRS Dirty Dozen List

Tax Fraud: The IRS Dirty Dozen List

The Criminal Investigation (CI) unit is a special criminal division of the IRS. The CI is tasked with investigating and uncovering tax-related crimes and prosecuting these cases. Each year the CI provides the IRS an annual report detailing the work of the CI and highlighting their successes and enforcements related to tax and financial crimes.

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15 Clever Ways to Cut Costs

15 Clever Ways to Cut Costs

During our recent webinar presentation, Money Management in Turbulent Times, we asked our attendees to collaborate and share their top tips for cutting costs. Cutting costs is an important strategy for stretching your budget so you can pay your debt down faster or hit your savings goals quicker.

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Understanding Tax Brackets

Understanding Tax Brackets

There are many misconceptions about how marginal tax brackets work and how they impact your federal tax return. This is what you need to know:For the 2020 tax year (to be filed by in 2021), the IRS set marginal rates of 10%, 12%, 22%, 24%, 32%, 35% and 37%. Your tax rate depends on your filing status (single, married filing jointly, married filing separately, or head of household) as well as your taxable income.

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