Financial Health

Taking control of your financial health starts with education.

10 Ways to Save on Summer Camp

10 Ways to Save on Summer Camp

In a perfect world, summer would be a time for children and parents to soak up the sun and enjoy a slower pace. As most of us know, work calendars don’t align with school calendars.

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Navigating Finances as a Young Family

Navigating Finances as a Young Family

One of the most rewarding things in life is the privilege of raising a child, but it is no secret that raising a child can also be expensive. In 2023, the USDA found that the cost of raising a child to the age of 18 was $331,933.

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What Stubborn Inflation Could Mean for the U.S. Economy

What Stubborn Inflation Could Mean for the U.S. Economy

Basically, three separate categories of entities exist: partnerships, corporations, and limited liability companies. Each category has its own advantages, disadvantages, and special rules. It’s also possible to operate your business as a sole proprietorship without organizing as a separate business entity.

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Choosing an Entity for Your Business

Choosing an Entity for Your Business

Basically, three separate categories of entities exist: partnerships, corporations, and limited liability companies. Each category has its own advantages, disadvantages, and special rules. It’s also possible to operate your business as a sole proprietorship without organizing as a separate business entity.

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What is Vesting?

What is Vesting?

Does your employer offer a retirement savings plan such as a 401(k), traditional pension, or profit-sharing plan? Did you receive a stock option grant as a year-end bonus? These employee benefits and others like them are often tied to a timeline known as a vesting schedule.

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