Your actual student loan payments aren’t deductible, but the interest portion might be, thanks to the student loan interest deduction. In 2023, the maximum deduction is $2,500. You don’t need to itemize to claim this deduction.

Taking control of your financial health starts with education.
Your actual student loan payments aren’t deductible, but the interest portion might be, thanks to the student loan interest deduction. In 2023, the maximum deduction is $2,500. You don’t need to itemize to claim this deduction.
For many of us, November and December kick off a season of celebrating, family, feasting, and yes…spending. The holidays are a chance to make memories, but this can also be a time of financial stress—especially if you wait until the last minute to make plans.
According to the Federal Trade Commission’s Consumer Sentinel Report published in 2023 and covering the full year of 2022, reported cases of identity theft have increased by over 584% in the last 20 years.
Thinking of starting a business? This handy checklist can help you stay organized as you start your journey, from vision to reality: General Information ▢ 1. Has relevant personal information been gathered for all participants in this business? ▢ 2. Has financial...
In the past, lenders traditionally required a down payment of at least 20% of the purchase price of a home. Today, many lenders offer loans with lower down payments. In addition, certain private and government entities have low down payment programs.
When you die, you leave behind your estate. Your estate consists of your assets — all of your money, real estate, and worldly belongings. Your estate also includes your debts, expenses, and unpaid taxes. After you die, somebody must take charge of your estate and settle your affairs. This person will take your estate through probate, a court-supervised process that winds up your financial affairs after your death.
A real estate agent is a key partner on your home buying journey. In addition to finding you potential homes, they also guide you and advocate for you throughout the process. But how do you decide which one is the right fit for you and your needs? The right real estate agent for you should be familiar with your prospective neighborhood, experienced, and is someone you’ll enjoy working with.
For many of us, November and December kick off a season of celebrating, family, feasting, and yes…spending. The holidays are a chance to make memories, but this can also be a time of financial stress—especially if you wait until the last minute to make plans.
If you don’t really know what you’re looking for in a home, how do you find the right one? Careful planning and consideration of your options can help ensure that you will be happy with the one you select.
In the past, lenders usually required a down payment of at least 20 percent of the purchase price of a home. Today, many lenders offer loans with lower down payments. In addition, certain private and government entities have low down payment programs
SESLOC Credit Union announced today that Geri LaChance will retire as President and CEO effective June 2024 after 12 years of leadership at the credit union. LaChance will be succeeded by Executive Vice President/Chief Financial Officer Mike Quamma.
On the corner of People & Place, amazing things happen. Let’s take a look a back at what we’ve achieved together.
SESLOC employees cut back on nearly 10,000 miles this past quarter, saving 3.87 tons of carbon dioxide from entering our local air. Methods including like riding a bike, taking the bus or carpooling instead of driving alone, or telecommuting. Reducing our carbon...
We’re partnering with News Channel 12 to honor nonprofit volunteers who make our community thrive. Each month, we’re choosing a different nonprofit and asking them to select a valuable volunteer to receive the SESLOC Cares for Community Award. We’re thrilled to introduce Mike Byrd, from the 5Cities Homeless Coalition.
Take a tour of the Santa Maria valley with this Central Coast Holiday Road Trip & Shopping Guide. Get insider tips on where to shop, eat, and enjoy the holiday spirit. Bring along visiting friends and family and enjoy earning bonus points at each Local Rewards location mentioned!