Parents & Kids

Is There Anything I Can Do Now So That My Child Can Obtain More Financial Aid Later?

Is There Anything I Can Do Now So That My Child Can Obtain More Financial Aid Later?

Yes, there are steps you can take now that may help your child obtain more financial aid later. All federally funded financial aid programs use a formula known as the federal methodology to determine how much money a family must contribute towards a child’s educational costs before becoming eligible for financial aid. This figure is known as the expected family contribution (EFC). The difference between your EFC and the cost of your child’s college equals your child’s financial need and the less aid your child will be eligible for.

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Youth Week 2019

Now through April 19, 2019 SESLOC is celebrating International Credit Union Youth Week by offering fun activities, giveaways and more to help kids learn about the importance of saving. We’ll also waive the $5 membership fee for youth under age 18 when they open a savings account.

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