Going to College

Financial tips and tools for college and beyond.

Budgeting Tips for College Students

Budgeting Tips for College Students

With a little bit of planning and discipline, you can take control of your finances and make the most of your college experience. Whether you are a seasoned budgeter or just starting out, these budgeting tips will help you make your money work for you.

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Five Scams that Rose to the Top in 2022

Five Scams that Rose to the Top in 2022

With identity theft on the rise, and scammers only getting better at what they do, it helps to stay aware of how fraudsters may be targeting your personal information and your good name. The most successful scams will continue to be circulated until they stop being an effective way for criminals to steal from their victims.

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Avoid Money Transfer App Scams!

Avoid Money Transfer App Scams!

Zelle, CashApp, and Venmo are popular money transfer apps that allow you to send and receive money to and from other individuals instantly, just like handing over cash, even if you and your payee have accounts with different financial institutions.

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Why Should College Students Join a Credit Union?

Why Should College Students Join a Credit Union?

College is an exciting chapter for many people, opening doors to new experiences, newfound freedom, and independence. But it can also be a financially difficult and dangerous time — the financial mistakes people make as students can haunt them for years to come. That’s why students should look to their local credit union.

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Student Loan Scams — What You Need to Know

Student Loan Scams — What You Need to Know

With many Americans holding out hope that their student loan debt will be reduced or forgiven altogether, but also struggling to keep up with the latest news from the federal government, it’s not hard to see why scammers have been so successful. That’s why we are highlighting five ways to protect yourself from fraudsters pretending to have the power to provide you with student debt relief.

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What is the True Cost of Convenience?

What is the True Cost of Convenience?

While home grocery and meal delivery are fast and convenient, it can be helpful to weigh the pros and cons of the added expenses involved if it is a choice and not a necessity. Outlined here are the key cost considerations of home grocery deliveries, restaurant deliveries, and home-delivered meal subscription boxes.

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