Fraud Prevention & Advisories

Protect yourself by staying informed about the latest scams and fraud.

Unlock the Power of Your Credit Score in 2024

Unlock the Power of Your Credit Score in 2024

A credit score might seem like a mysterious three-digit number, but it holds significant influence over your financial life. Whether you’re applying for a loan or a credit card, renting an apartment, or even setting up utilities, your credit score plays a crucial role in the decisions that lenders, landlords, and service providers make.

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Identity Theft Can Happen to Anyone

Identity Theft Can Happen to Anyone

According to the Federal Trade Commission’s Consumer Sentinel Report published in 2023 and covering the full year of 2022, reported cases of identity theft have increased by over 584% in the last 20 years.

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Another Data Breach in the News? Don’t Get Data Breach Fatigue

Another Data Breach in the News? Don’t Get Data Breach Fatigue

A quick web search for “data breach” reveals countless recent hits detailing major data breaches. One of the biggest risks following a data breach is that scammers could use your stolen personal information to open a loan or a line of credit in your name, potentially damaging your credit score or leaving you to pay for the fraudulent charges.

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Identity Theft by the Numbers

Identity Theft by the Numbers

Identity theft is a type of crime where someone obtains another person’s personal information without their permission or knowledge and uses that information to commit fraud or other illegal activities. The personal information that is commonly targeted includes names, addresses, birthdates, Social Security numbers, credit card numbers, and bank account information.

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