Fraud Prevention & Advisories

Protect yourself by staying informed about the latest scams and fraud.

Synthetic Identity Theft

Synthetic Identity Theft

The holidays are upon us, and so is the increase in risk for identity theft. Fictional characters are a big part of the season, but sadly they’ve also become a big part of identity thieves’ tool kits as well. According to a Federal Trade Commission Report, over the last five years, Synthetic Identity Fraud has become the fastest-growing type of financial crime in the United States and accounts for 20% of the credit-related losses.

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Online Holiday Shopping — Buyer Beware!

Online Holiday Shopping — Buyer Beware!

The rise of online shopping during the pandemic has led to a proportional increase in online fraud and scams. As the Holiday season approaches, we want to make sure you are armed with the knowledge and the skills to protect yourself. With a little awareness, you can avoid online shopping fraud as the busiest time of the year for retail shopping is shifting into high gear.

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Beware of Common Money Scams

Beware of Common Money Scams

Scammers are always looking for innovative ways to separate you from your money. Whether their goal is to gain access to your cash, or to gain control of your personal information so they can commit fraud, they frequently play on psychological manipulation to get you to comply. Here some common scams to be aware of:

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Action Plan: Recovering From Fraud

Action Plan: Recovering From Fraud

Identity theft is the illegal use of another’s personal data, such as name, birth date and Social Security number. A casually discarded receipt, a personal document or checkbook kept in a desk drawer, mail theft, and dumpster diving are all very real threats.

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Fraud Advisory: Scammers Exploiting COVID-19 Crisis

Fraud Advisory: Scammers Exploiting COVID-19 Crisis

SESLOC is committed to safeguarding the physical and financial health of our members, staff and communities. During this vulnerable time, scammers and cyber criminals may try to take advantage of your concerns related to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. They may offer you fake products, medical advice, create fake charities, or compel you to click a fraudulent link to gain access to your device. Here are four common scams identified by authorities:

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Tax Season is Also Theft Season

Tax Season is Also Theft Season

Tax-related identity theft occurs when someone uses your stolen personal information, including your Social Security Number, to file a tax return claiming your refund. According to the IRS, reversing the damage caused by tax related identity theft can be a frustrating and complex process for victims.

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Fraud Advisory: Capital One Breach

This week, news broke regarding a massive data breach, possibly the largest ever, at Capital One Financial Corporation. At present time, they have identified over 100 million consumers who have been impacted, including current credit customers, and consumers and businesses who applied for Capital One credit products (more information can be found here). While cooperation with local and national law enforcement has helped stop much of the sensitive information from being distributed, this illustrates a very real threat to consumers.

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Fraud Advisory: Caller ID Spoofing

Caller ID spoofing can be an incredibly effective tool for scammers. Learn how to avoid being a victim of this scam with these helpful tips, courtesy for the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).

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