Manage your accounts any time, anywhere with Online Banking and the Mobile App. You might already know you can pay your bills or transfer money, but did you know about these five handy tools?

Need to make a payment? Or register for Online Banking? Get started with these helpful tips.
Manage your accounts any time, anywhere with Online Banking and the Mobile App. You might already know you can pay your bills or transfer money, but did you know about these five handy tools?
Contactless payments are secure, quick, and convenient, especially if you’re trying to avoid touching shared screens and keypads. Your SESLOC HomeFREE Checking™ Debit Card and Visa Credit Card or Visa Signature® Rewards Card are compatible with Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Samsung Pay, which makes it easy to embrace contactless payments — all while earning rewards points for your purchases.
Learn how to use Online Bill Pay.
Learn how to use Online Business Bill Pay.
If you have multiple usernames or if your household shares a device for multiple users to log into their Online Banking accounts, you can save multiple user names for easier access.
What do you use when a person or business won’t accept personal checks, debit, or credit cards (or if the transaction is above your credit/debit daily limit)? That’s where a cashier’s check comes in.
So you might be wondering — what exactly is an overdraft and why do financial institutions charge fees for them? And how is an overdraft different from an NSF? Read on to learn the difference and see what options are available to you to avoid them. Overdraft An...
Learn how to customize your accounts dashboard.
Get started using Business Online Banking.
When you join a credit union, you become a member and are issued a Member Number. This is often commonly considered an Account Number because your different accounts and loans will be filed under your member number.
A tax on credit unions is a new tax on you. Take action today: Contact your U.S. representatives and Senators and tell them: Don’t Tax My Credit Union.
No matter where you live, credit unions play a critical role in ensuring a level playing field for everyone to achieve their financial goals.
For the fourth time in five years, SESLOC has been recognized by the leading member experience solution company as one of the top credit unions for customer experience in the United States
We’re partnering with News Channel 12 to honor nonprofit volunteers who make our community thrive. Each month, we’re choosing a different nonprofit and asking them to select a valuable volunteer to receive the SESLOC Cares for Community Award. We’re thrilled to introduce Melissa Ward from 17 Strong.
We’re celebrating a major milestone in helping our members achieve their financial goals. Since launching the 12-month Save to Win Share Certificate¹ in November 2019, nearly 800 SESLOC members have won a combined $50,000 by opening an account with at least $25!