From Your CEO — Winter 2021

January 2, 2021
by Geri LaChance, Former President & CEO (Retired June 2024)

You have probably heard the saying “fresh start for a new year.” Never have we all collectively been more excited for a new year than in 2021! In the last quarter, we surpassed a monumental milestone of $1 billion in assets. Our growth is especially significant at a time when financial institution mergers and acquisitions are prevalent; SESLOC’s growth has been achieved organically, building healthy relationships with you and our community over decades.

Last year, our volunteer Board of Directors set a strategic initiative for the Credit Union to improve the digital member experience. The timing could not be better. As the COVID-19 pandemic required us to shelter in place, we were able to assess not only how critical remote banking is to your physical health and safety, but how vital personal touch is for your mental wellbeing. As an essential business, our location-based services remain open and available for you, but we will continuously adopt more convenient, accessible, secure, and contactless services to meet emerging needs.

Recently we added new mobile deposit posting timeframes so you can access funds quickly, a more powerful personal finance manager in Online Banking and contactless payment options. Our financial seminars are now offered on demand and on-the-go, or from the comfort of your own home. Whether you are banking via a mobile device, ATM, or teller, know that our people-helping-people philosophy is behind every transaction and interaction—offering a level of comfort you’ve come to trust over the years.

Not only have we embraced digital solutions in finances, but many Central Coast schools are still opting for distance learning, putting additional stress on teachers’ resources as they search for creative ways to engage students remotely. Since 2013, SESLOC has provided Education Grants to expand classroom-level resources. Take a look on the previous page at the exciting projects we have funded. We are proud to announce that we reached a new milestone of funding $100,000 in Education Grants, a program we are honored to continue in 2021.

As we face new challenges in unprecedented times, one common thread we all share is support of our local communities and neighborhoods—our heart and focus is our people and place. We look forward  to serving you and your financial needs for years to come.


Geri LaChance retired as President & CEO on June 18, 2024.

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