Cal Poly Financial Workshop

SESLOC’s Financial Wellness Workshop Empowers Cal Poly Students

May 29, 2024
by Team SESLOC

On Friday, May 24, over 120 student leaders participating in the Week of Welcome (WOW) program were enriched by a financial wellness workshop hosted by SESLOC at the California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly) campus in San Luis Obispo.

The purpose of SESLOC and Cal Poly providing this workshop was to educate WOW leaders in practical and relevant financial education. By informing student leaders about financial resources and services available to them, they then could in turn pass on this valuable information to incoming new students who WOW leaders will be welcoming to the campus this upcoming fall.

SESLOC’s Education Outreach Manager, Vincent Delgado, and Cal Poly Branch Manager, Ben Sjogren led the presentation with a focus on the financial resources SESLOC provides for students and the basics of Financial ABC’s: Accounts, Budgets and Credit.

“One of the most important items for young people to understand is how money will play a role in their life,” said Ben. “A solid foundation for how to utilize money to make it work for you and finding freedom using it as a vehicle to enjoy life is paramount to having financial wellness. That is exactly what we have been able to do through these incredible financial seminars and workshops; empower students with a basic knowledge of accounts, the tools to budgets, and the importance of credit.”

After the program concluded, 97 students requested to receive SESLOC’s college student budget sheet, 25 inquired about getting more information about SESLOC’s on-campus branch and several more signed up to attend another SESLOC workshop that would discuss credit.

“Being on campus is great, but being a part of campus in an integral way has always been the goal,” said Ben. “It is not just answering questions and coaching students, these events empower them with the resources they need to make good and healthy financial choices independently that will guide them for years to come.”

Contact us if you would like to learn more about our community financial education opportunities.