Business Services

Make it a Habit to Review Your Business Account

Make it a Habit to Review Your Business Account

Experts say it can take as little as three weeks to form a habit, and if you own or operate a business, make it a daily habit to check your account(s) activity in online banking. Review debits and credits as they occur so you can catch any fraudulent checks, duplicate check numbers or unauthorized ACH debits.

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Local Insights: 2021 Local Shopping

Local Insights: 2021 Local Shopping

In October 2021, we sent out our second Member Pulse Survey, where we asked our valued SESLOC members about their local shopping and spending habits. 853 responded, revealing four key insights into local spending:

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7 Ways to Use a Business Revolving Line of Credit

7 Ways to Use a Business Revolving Line of Credit

For businesses that find their cash flow isn’t a steady stream month-after-month, a Revolving Line of Credit (RLOC) is a valuable tool. This loan helps smooth cash flow fluctuations due to inventory needs, timing of accounts receivable or seasonality of a business.

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The SECURE Act and Your Retirement Savings

The SECURE Act and Your Retirement Savings

The Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act was enacted in December 2019 as part of a larger federal spending package. This long-awaited legislation expands savings opportunities for workers and includes new requirements and incentives for employers that provide retirement benefits. At the same time, it restricts popular estate planning strategy for individuals with significant assets in IRAs and employer-sponsored retirement plans.

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