From better consumer protections to earning valuable points towards your next vacation, there are a lot of great benefits that come with using a credit card. Here are three situations where you should absolutely choose a credit card at checkout.

From better consumer protections to earning valuable points towards your next vacation, there are a lot of great benefits that come with using a credit card. Here are three situations where you should absolutely choose a credit card at checkout.
Before you break out that credit card, it’s crucial to know when using one makes the most sense. Here are three situations where you may want to pay with a different way – if you pay at all.
Consider making moves to Level Up, with our new member benefits program.¹ Increasing benefits include select fee waivers, waived check orders, and rate discounts on new eligible consumer loans — all of which can help you save even more money and get ahead financially.
It is almost the end of the year which means many of us are busy planning our holiday travels. Let’s face it, traveling during the holidays can be costly. But the good news is you can make the most of the points and miles you have accumulated throughout the year to help reduce those costs. Here are 9 tips to help you use them effectively and save on your holiday adventures.
A new way to use your SESLOC Rewards — allowing you to redeem your points for a statement credit to cover qualifying purchases. How Does it Work?
Which do you prefer to use at checkout, cash or card? Here are some benefits of using your debit or credit card instead:
What’s a credit score and why is it so important? A credit score, also known as a FICO Score, is a calculation based on your activity in a few categories that assess the likelihood that you will repay any debt you owe. The higher the score, the more likely it is that you can handle your debt.
No matter where you live, credit unions play a critical role in ensuring a level playing field for everyone to achieve their financial goals.
For the fourth time in five years, SESLOC has been recognized by the leading member experience solution company as one of the top credit unions for customer experience in the United States
We’re partnering with News Channel 12 to honor nonprofit volunteers who make our community thrive. Each month, we’re choosing a different nonprofit and asking them to select a valuable volunteer to receive the SESLOC Cares for Community Award. We’re thrilled to introduce Melissa Ward from 17 Strong.
We’re celebrating a major milestone in helping our members achieve their financial goals. Since launching the 12-month Save to Win Share Certificate¹ in November 2019, nearly 800 SESLOC members have won a combined $50,000 by opening an account with at least $25!
For the third consecutive year, SESLOC is recognized as one of the best workplaces for families! We’re proud to announce our BLUE Diamond award from San Luis Obispo County Family-Friendly Workplaces for creating a family-friendly culture for all of our employees.