Wealth Management

Federal Student Loans FAQ

Federal Student Loans FAQ

What Are Federal Student Loans? Federal student loans are loans established by the federal government and provided to students for college and graduate school.

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Should I Use My 401(k) to Fund My Child’s College Education?

Should I Use My 401(k) to Fund My Child’s College Education?

You can, but it isn’t your best option. Your 401(k) plan should be dedicated primarily to your retirement. There are two primary drawbacks to using your 401(k) for college funding. First, if you withdraw funds from your 401(k) before you are 59½, you will owe a 10% premature distribution penalty on the withdrawal.

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Financial Aid Changes on the Horizon

Financial Aid Changes on the Horizon

The U.S. Department of Education has designated February as Financial Aid Awareness Month, and this year there’s a lot to talk about. On December 21, 2020, Congress passed the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021, another relief package in response to the pandemic. Included in the bill were several provisions related to education, including many changes to financial aid. Here are some key highlights.

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Consolidated Appropriations Act Provides Relief to Individuals and Businesses

Consolidated Appropriations Act Provides Relief to Individuals and Businesses

On Sunday, December 27, 2020, the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (CAA 2021) was signed into law. A $900 billion emergency relief package is included as part of this omnibus spending bill. It is intended to assist individuals and businesses during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and accompanying economic crisis. Major relief provisions are summarized here, as well as some additional tax provisions.

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